MidTown Stakeholders and Friends-

Based on the COVID-19 pandemic and recommendations of public health experts, and to aid in slowing the spread of the virus, MidTown Cleveland will be taking the following steps through March 31st: 

All MidTown public events are postponed, including the upcoming Caffeine Beats and MidTown Mornings events.

Our office and conference rooms will not be available for third party meetings or events.

MidTown staff will hold the majority of our meetings by video or conference call unless an in-person meeting is essential .

Among our precautions taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19, our MTC offices is closed to the public until further notice. Our staff will continue to work remotely, and be available to respond promptly to any community needs during this public health crisis. Please be in touch with us if you or your organization needs assistance and we will do our best to help or connect you with the appropriate resources.

We encourage you to follow our local public health authorities for information about the spread of the virus and ways to minimize the risk of contracting it, including the Ohio Dep’t of Health (which has a 24-hour hotline at 1-833.427.7634) and the Cuyahoga County Board of Health 

If you have been intimidated, harassed, or assaulted and blamed for COVID-19, please call 911 immediately. After calling the police, you can report hate incidents through OCA – Asian Pacific Advocates.
MidTown calls all people to stand in social solidarity against hate, xenophobia, and racial targeting of ethnic Chinese and Asian Americans due to harmful stereotyping about COVID-19. The false belief that individuals are contagious because they are ethnic Chinese or Asian American is resulting in harassment, assaults, and destruction of property against Asian Americans. We condemn these cowardly actions.