Neighborhood Vision 2025
Build Out an Innovation Economy
Momentum, creative energy, and funding coming from the growing Innovation District is a huge benefit to the MidTown community. Steps must be taken to demystify the term “innovation”, and make the area a natural extension of, and benefit, to the surrounding community. MidTown’s Innovation District can be a model for growing an inclusive business environment from the ground up. The far-reaching impact of major place-based anchor institutions - like the Cleveland Foundation - locating in MidTown present great benefits for the local area and position MidTown to be an economic engine for the regional as the local innovation economy matures.

Build Out an Innovation Economy
Expand Programming and Community Building Around “Innovation”
Build a broad community around innovation that includes residents, businesses, and innovators alike that helps to demystify “innovation”. Make events and programs fun and accessible and engage local businesses outside of the Innovation District. Use events as an opportunity to connect job seekers and youth to unique employment pathways and training opportunities.
Near-Term Actions

Work with anchor institutions to better connect their activities to the community.
Explore new event ideas that connect residents, community organizations, and local businesses. Coordinate with ideas to support local businesses outside of the Innovation District presented in Strategy 18: Celebrate Local Businesses.
Type of Action
Planning & Programming
Looking For
Ideas & Partners