
Neighborhood Vision 2025

Promote Clear Expectations for New Development

As the local CDC, MidTown Cleveland Inc. (MTC) plays an important role in steering new development to meet the needs and expectations of the local community. The process to develop this Vision Plan solidified goals and priorities for new development that inform MTC’s efforts and make a clear statement to prospective investors and developers. Creating reference tools like a proposed land use plan, identifying priority streets for reconstruction and establishing open space goals are critical to ensure the MidTown Neighborhood benefits from future changes in the area.


Promote Clear Expectations for New Development


Create a Developer Reference that Identifies Critical Community Priorities for New Development

Develop marketing collateral using content from the Vision Plan to communicate to developers and investors the priorities and unique characteristics of different parts of MidTown. Share Equitable Development Guidelines with interested developers.

Near-Term Actions


Create a slide deck 5-10 slides from Vision Plan content to share with prospective developers

Type of Action

Planning & Policy

Looking For

Developers & Property Owners
